Qualities your Food should have | What is My Plate?

Qualities your Food should have. hey, fellas how are you today I know everyone wants to lead a healthy life and the only way to lead a healthy life is to eat the right food. You might be surprised to know more than half of the problems that we are suffering from are related to our food. We all are eating the wrong food.
Well to eat right, you have to understand some basic principles about natural food. If you want to be healthy you need to look for 4 qualities in your food. Your food should be 4 things.
Table of Contents
Eat Living Food
If bury something into the ground and water it for a few days it should grow into a plant, right? For example, if you take a lentil seed and bury it into the soil, after a few days you will get a sapling, but if you plant any junk like Maggi, do you think you will get a wheat plant out of it? No, because unlike the lentil the Maggi does not contain any life, it does not contain any prana in it and therefore it cannot produce a new life. It is dead food and how can something dead bring life into your body? Qualities your Food should have.
On the other hand fruits, vegetable nuts grains sprouts seeds are all living foods and when they enter your body they bring you, life and extend your age, cure your disease flush out the toxins sitting inside your body. In the Bhagavad Gita chapter 17 Lord Krishna said that food should be eaten within 3 hours of being cooked. After 3 hours the food becomes tamasic it starts to lose its life and becomes dead. Qualities your Food should have.
Eat living food nothing bottled packaged tinned frozen or processed nothing man-made in factories Eat food that comes straight from nature like fruits vegetables sprouts coconut juices grains nuts and seeds instead of munching on biscuits munch on coconut slices instead of popping soda cans pop coconut water instead of having namkeens have a platter full of fruits and salad
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Eat food that is Wholesome
Mother Nature knows the best and she does not make mistakes. There is a reason she hung dates on trees and not sugar, there is a reason she gave us olive and not olive oil, potatoes and not potato chips. All food that comes directly from plants or trees or the earth is wholesome. They have not been subtracted of anything.
Nature has done a lot of planning before making every food. She has given each food item a specific ratio of proteins fat nutrients so that we humans can easily digest and eliminate them. If we fragment it by consuming only a part of it or by stripping away its outer layer, or by squeezing out only the fats from it we totally change nature’s original design.
So instead of white rice-eating brown rice, brown rice is wholesome it is the real deal when we remove the bran from it becomes white rice. The digestive mechanism of rice lies in this outer bran that we conveniently decide to throw out. Eat dates or jaggery instead of sugar eat coconut instead of coconut oil eat olives instead of olive oil. When eating wheat eat only whole wheat along with the outer layer, or what we call choker in Hindi. Do not sieve it before making chapattis.
Eat Plant Based Food
Eat food that comes from plants, not meat fish or eggs. Nature has not designed our bodies to consume animals. Your next question may be, what about milk and dairy?
As a substance, pure Cow milk is very good, but the problem is that the milk we are getting today is actually not even milk, what we get in these tetra packs is a white liquid made of milk powder urea and dangerous chemicals. Even the world health organisation WHO has warned the Indian Government that milk has become so contaminated that if we continue drinking it by 2025, almost 87% of India will be suffering from serious diseases like cancer. Qualities your Food should have.
The best substitute of milk which can give us all the same nutrients protein and calcium. The only difference is that it is actually easy to digest and absorption. Do you know what it is, it’s coconut milk. Coconut is one of the best foods on earth, there is a reason it is called SHREE PHAL in Sanskrit and there is a reason why every birth, every marriage, every auspicious occasion in India starts with the breaking of coconut.
So prefer plant-based food over everything else
Eat water rich food
There are two types of foods
- Water rich
- Water poor
Water-rich food includes fruits such as watermelon papaya grapes oranges, juicy vegetables like tomato bottle gourd cucumber leafy greens whereas water-poor food contains grains rice wheat chapatti pulses nuts seed and starchy vegetables like a potato.
If you put something in a jar and a lot of juice comes out of it, then you know it is water-rich. Have you ever put a chapatti or rice in a juicer? No, because you know there is no juice in it, it’s a water-poor food.
Now you know 70% of your body is water and 30% is bones muscles and mass, so naturally, 70% of your diet should be composed of water-rich food and 30% of your diet should be consist of water-poor food, funnily enough, most of us eat in a totally opposite ratio. We eat grains thrice a day and as a result, we are drying up
So in summary,
- Eat living food, eat food that comes directly from farms to your kitchen, it should not go to a factory in between
- Eat wholesome food, eat original food, eat brown rice instead of white rice eat dates or jiggery instead of sugar eat coconut and olives instead of their oils.
- Eat plant based food, strictly no meat fish or eggs, instead of animal milk haver coconut milk.
- Eat 70% water rich food and 30% water poor food.