Fiber एक ऐसा Nutrient है जिसको हम पेड़ पौधों के ज़रिये से हासिल करते हैं ।

और इस तरीके को roughage कहते हैं

Fiber हमारी Body के लिए बहुत जरूरी पोषक तत्व है ।

और हमें अपने Daily Meals में उचित मात्रा में Fiber को शामिल करना चाहिए ।

Fiber लेने के बहुत सारे फायदे हैं ।

This fiber helps to block fats or low the absorption of fats which helps us to maintain weight.

It helps to break and digest some dietary cholesterol which can help to reduce the cholesterol level.

It helps to reduce the high risk of heart diseases by lowering the cholesterol level.

 It helps to serve the gut bacteria which make our gut strong and our body can fight against any type of bad bacteria.

It is soft and sticky and easily mixes with water to form a gel inside the body to build it strong.

Soluble fiber helps to improve immunity.

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