Why DOTNET is Best Institute for Computer Education

Why DOTNET is Best Institute for Computer Education. good morning friends today I am going to tell you about my computer institute in Delhi. Dear all I am running a computer institute in East Delhi with the name of “DOTNET Institute”. We provide each and every course related to the computer field. We provide basic courses, diploma courses, professional courses and many more courses.
We have a YouTube channel with the name of ‘dotnetinstitute’ you can watch our videos and update you and learn many things. We have our blogging site also with the name of indianitexpert.com Visit our all social sites and you get lots of knowledge through that you can update yourself and get the success. Now I am going to tell you about the best things in our institute which made it the number one institute.
Table of Contents
Why DOTNET is Best Institute for Computer Education
ISO Certify Institute
It is a certificate of quality education which we get through the government after the inspection of some officials. Our institute is registered by the Delhi government in 2005 and we get an ISO certificate in 2018. Certificate of ISO means it’s for all over the world. This means first our certificate is valid in India only but now you can apply for the job all over the world. Our quality education made us the No. #1 computer institute in our area. Why DOTNET is Best Institute for Computer Education.
Provide Professional Training
DotNet is the only institute providing basic to professional courses for students not only students but our professional courses for entrepreneurs, businessmen, working people and even for housewives. Our professional courses are so much demanding as we are providing Digital Marketing, Graphic Designing, Web Designing and many more visit us https://www.dotnetinstitute.co.in You can watch videos on YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/dotnetinstitute) regarding all types of courses. I want notes regarding any course so you can visit our blogging and online tutorial website https:/www.indianitexpert.com
Training with practical assignments as per company requirement
As we know that the value of practical from our school time. DotNet provides all types of practical assignments with each and every course according to the requirement. Everyone learning the courses for their development or for their career and we know that our all work is completed in a practical way only. So DOTNET teaches in a way that their students will get success soon in their life. Why DOTNET is Best Institute for Computer Education.
Student Development Program
We try to develop our students all the way and we do different types of programs for their development. We are providing a student development program with every Saturday. In this, we arrange different types of activities like presentations, games, quizzes etc. for more development of students. By this program, we try to know about the skills and talent of the students and if they are dedicated so we try to do more help for their development.
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Internship Program
After completion of the course, we provide an internship program for the students. In this, we teach them how to work with companies. We tell them the value of time in the companies, every minute is valuable in the companies. We teach them practical work or tasks given by seniors in the company. Also, they learn how to behave with colleagues and how to give respect to managers and the value of tasks given by managers. These all programs are free of cost for our students and prepare fully with us in every field. Why DOTNET is Best Institute for Computer Education.
We try to help each and every student who wants to do study. There are many students who can’t afford fees for the course so we give them scholarships for their development. For scholarships, we take a general test of students and after clearing that test we give them scholarships. DOTNET want development for every student who may be related to any class.
Learn and Earn Program
Now the world becomes advanced and as we see the education system become advanced and everything like student age, education, games etc. all advanced now. So we thought that we should teach the students earning in advance because if he will start earning as a student so he will independent soon and also he can help his parents financially. So we started to learn and earn programs at DOTNET. In this, if the student refers any of his friends, siblings, cousins etc. so he will get an incentive for it.
Tours and Picnics
We also provide tours and picnics for the refreshment of students. As we know these things are very valuable in life. We organize the tour and picnic with students by making three to four groups. And we provide responsibilities of entertainment and for fun. We distribute the prizes for the winning group and also to all students according to their performance on the whole tour. In this way, they enjoy and also learn teamwork which is very important for development.
After completion of the course, we organize a Farwell party for the students. In this, our DOTNET teams perform for them and entertain them. We click the pictures with each and every student. We show them by video of their journey at DOTNET and also give chance them to perform or say something about their journey with us.
I can assure you that once join DOT-NET then you will develop and feel great about your studies. So friend today I tell you everything about the DOT-NET. That, how do we work for the development of students? What services do we provide for the students? Still, if you have any queries regarding anything then feel free to ask. We are waiting for your response eagerly. Thanks a lot for supporting me.
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