Best 5 ways to handle and control your anger | Tips to Control Your Anger

Best 5 ways to handle and control your anger. chillax people, There is no need to be frightened by it. Don’t bite away from your nails just yet, anger is nothing but it’s just a strong emotion that’s important for you to understand. You will be truly happy to know that anger is just a strong feeling of hatred, bitterness, annoyance, displeasure, or resentment which can be controlled.
Just Believe in yourself. Remind yourself what kind of person you want to be and why is it important to leave anger behind.
You are the creator of your own fate and only you have the power to change for good.
There comes a point in everyone’s life where they have to face their moment of weakness, the moment where they let their anger takes over them, but it can also be controlled with a little hard work.
Like in movies, there is always a villain and his character is always pictured badly. He is the one with blood lust and we all know how it ends for him if he doesn’t change. But in some cases, if the villain has a character reformation and becomes a person who regrets his mistake and doesn’t go back to his old days his story ends with a better ending. Best 5 ways to handle and control your anger.
So by this example I hope you understood that it all depends on you as it’s you who is in charge, it’s you who decides how to respond, it’s you who decides to feed anger or not. Your fate depends on your decision. Anger is a normal healthy emotion so it’s important to deal with it in a positive way.
Uncontrolled anger can destroy everything you love as it is powerful enough to cloud your judgement. You will see how much bad you are capable of doing which might take you by surprise and with that let me also remind you of the most popular karma phrase: Best 5 ways to handle and control your anger.
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The phrase probably means that you eventually have to face up the consequences of your actions. So if you often get out of control and do things that you shouldn’t be doing then be ready to face the outcome of your deeds later. You’ll have to face the results of your outburst alone. It is important to avoid situations that bring out your worst side.
Say bye-bye to fear because I am here. As your saviour, it’s my duty to save you from your own wrath. I’ll guide you to the Best 5 ways to handle and control your anger, so next time you start to feel your anger boiling up inside you, apply these 5 ways, which will help you work through your frustrations.
1. Identify triggers of anger.
The first way is to identify its source. What’s the source of your anger? What is the reason? Why do you get angry? Think about it. Think about all the times you got angry. Best 5 ways to handle and control your anger.
Do you get angry when someone doesn’t listen to you? Or when you aren’t able to find what you are looking for? Or is it when someone lies to you? Or when do your friends go to the movies without you? No, no! I know- I know, you might get angry when you have several problems and no solutions to them? Well, whichever the reason is behind your anger, it’s for you to identify what triggers it. If you can’t identify your problem how will you start looking for its solution?
Here are some tips that will help you to identify your problem.
- When you find yourself getting carried away with anger, take a deep breath and try to understand the patterns that trigger it.
- Simply start by becoming aware of how often your anger pops up and realize just how often you are caught in the grips of your anger?
- It can be about some types of situations, people, and events that can trigger your anger.
- Once you identify what triggers your anger try and avoid it if possible. If you can’t avoid it then at least you’ll know how to anticipate them
2. Look for solutions
Figuring out your problem won’t turn out to be fruitful until and unless you have a solution for it. So after identifying your problems, start finding solutions. You can start by observing why you are feeling angry in the first place or what is it that you’re trying to control. Once you find the lock search for its key as there is no benefit of identifying the problem if you don’t find a solution for it. I know you might be thinking Avoidance can be the key but it is temporary, someday you will have to face it. You need to find a permanent solution and that is to face your weakness you cannot ignore such situations for a long time As someday they’ll catch up to you.
The following points will help you out of your misery.
- Work on resolving the issue at hand.
- Remind yourself that anger won’t fix anything and that it might only make it worse.
- It might be hard in the starting but trust me with time you’ll become a natural and these issues will don’t even matter.
3. Forgiveness is a powerful tool.
The most difficult part of anger management is forgiveness because it’s difficult to let go of revenge, or pain, or anger because such feelings have a hard hold on people. You know you cannot hold a grudge forever and even if you do, you won’t be truly happy.
If you allow anger and other negative feelings to take over your positive feelings, you might find yourself absorbed by your own emotions.
Forgiveness gives you a chance to be a bigger and better person.
Yes, it’s not easy but you should remind yourself again and again that it is for your own growth and happiness and that you cannot hold on to hurt, pain, resentment for a lifetime as anger harms us far more than it harms the offender.
Learn to forgive someone who angered you and it might help you both learn from the situation and strengthen your relationship.
4. Stay cool
Stay cool or as we say nowadays, take a chill pill. Relax your mind and let your high temperature get to normal. Yeah I know, it is really hard when you are boiling on the inside but you have to learn how to control it before it consumes you and you are left with nothing. Check out the following points they might help you.
- Lightening up your mood can help you diffuse tension.
- Cheer up yourself and deal with your anger positively.
- Try and Avoid sarcasm, it can hurt feelings and make things even worse.
- Let go of the grudges and use humour to face what’s making you angry.
- If nothing works, leave the place or situation or ask a time out if it’s a person, find yourself some peace and cool yourself down.
5. Think before you speak
“Words are The Most Powerful Weapon in the whole World”
We say things and then regret saying them afterwards. This is the most common mistake that we all commit, as I already said anger clouds up our judgement and often in the heat of the moment, we don’t realise what we are saying and regret saying it afterwards.
- Choose your words wisely.
- Avoid conversations which you know will end badly.
- Take a moment and think of what you are going to say before speaking
- Take a break or excuse yourself don’t speak in the heat of the moment.
- Work hard to not to speak bad things while you are angry.
Hope you find this blog valuable to control your anger. If you think we have overlooked something, or have some queries we would love to hear; please leave a comment below.
Hope you find this blog valuable to control your anger. If you think we have overlooked something, or have some queries we would love to hear; please leave a comment below.

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