Best 5 Programming Languages to learn in 2023 | Most Popular Programming Languages

Best 5 Programming Languages to learn in 2023, Disclaimer: All the information provided in the article is from my own perspective and research.
A programming language is a set of commands, instructions, and syntax which is used to create a software program.
High-level languages are the languages that are used by programmers to write code. Code can be amassed into a “low-level language,” recognized directly by the computer hardware.
This article will help you to look into the current and the future world of programming languages, which are empowering the new generation of software developers to become a key player in making this digital world more connected and more meaningful.
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Best 5 Programming Languages to learn
Python is one of the most popular programming languages, created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum and is used for web development (server-side), software development, mathematics and system scripting.
Python is a growing programming language, showing no signs of disappearing. You’ll find it everywhere like in web applications, desktop apps, network servers, machine learning, media tools and more.
Python is really useful for backend services and API’s if you’re in security or Site Reliability Engineering. Python-based web development framework like Django, Pyramid etc. has found more and more popularity. Best 5 Programming Languages to learn in 2019.
In the end, we can conclude that it’s a good choice for beginner developers to learn Python, as it’s high-level and easy to read and comprehend.
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Java is undoubtedly the most popular programming language that you’ll ever hear about. Mighty James Gosling from Sun Microsystems created this language in 1991.Java has died and resurrected countless times and it is still right here.
Java and C are almost identical. Java can be used in any kind of platform, You can use it to develop Android and iOS apps.
If you are a technical person, Java is a better pick for you.
R Programming
Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman developed the programming language R in 1993. It possesses a wide catalogue of statistical and graphical methods. It includes machine learning algorithms, linear regression, time series, etc. Most of the R libraries are written in R, but for the heavy computational tasks, C, C++ and FORTRAN codes are preferred by people. Best 5 Programming Languages to learn in 2019.
Data analysis with R is done in a series of steps like programming, transforming, discovering, modelling and communicating the results.
Want to get into IOS mobile development? Consider Swift as a high-paid career path, it is a relatively new programming language that was released in 2014. Native apps have been found to outperform hybrid apps, and Sprite-Kit makes it even easier to build 2D games.
Swift is considered an improved programme in terms of usability and performance compared to Objective-C.
Swift is a statically typed language which means that XCode checks your errors for you, making them easier to track down, and further, it operates faster. XCode is also the editor for the Swift language
You can say a lot of bad things but we have a very good reason to add them to our list.
Well if you’re a PHP programmer yourself or you know a PHP programmer, you’ll probably know the reason too.
It’s because WordPress writes 90 per cent of the web. And guess what does WordPress uses! Yup, you’re right, PHP.
Still not convinced? Here’s a fact to change that “major websites started out in PHP language.” you will be surprised to know Facebook Twitter are examples of the websites started out in PHP language. Best 5 Programming Languages to learn in 2019.
It’s true; PHP is a horrid language and probably has equal numbers of haters and lovers. However, it’s very easy to learn and it also can be used to create prototypes of stuff and things. That’s why it still exists to this day despite all the haters.