Food According to Weather Condition | Eat according to weather, keep yourself healthy

Food According to Weather Condition. hello everyone, how are you all? I know that after reading my health blog you all must become super healthy right. But still, if you have any doubt you can clear your queries through your comments. Now today I am going to tell you about the food according to weather conditions. There is some kind of food and food items we should avoid according to weather conditions. Let’s start today’s journey.
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Food should take in rainy season:
We all know that in the rainy season when the day on which rain falls the temperature is low but when the rain stops the temperature starts increasing and there is lots of humidity. In this season all insects come out due to rain and some of them are very dangerous for everyone if they bite anyone so it may be very dangerous for them.
So to save ourselves we should wear the clothes which cover our whole body and we should not be barefooted in any park, pond, lake etc. in this season we should boost our immunity. Food According to Weather Condition. And for that we should include these things in our diet:
1. Garlic is the best thing to have in this season. You can eat it raw or by adding it to the dish it will work in an awesome way.
2. Turmeric is the best thing to boost your immunity. While in my childhood when I was suffering from a cold my mother used to give me turmeric milk which worked in the best way for my body. So it’s very necessary to add turmeric to your food in this season.
3. Kadha is the best drink in this season made by our mothers and grandmothers for thousands of years. Take it on regular basis.
4. Nuts, dry fruits and seeds are best in this season we can have this handful on a daily basis in the rainy season. If we have them raw by chewing slowly so they will be more beneficial.
5. Soup is also the best option in this season as intake of it on regular basis will keep us away from diseases.
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Food should avoid in rainy season:
Golas and Ice Lollies are very dangerous in this season because the temperature is not moderate time it’s high times it’s low so taking icy things can make us sick. Food According to Weather Condition.
Curd is beneficial for our body but if we take in normal temperature then it’s good but doesn’t have the frozen curd or lassi in this season.
Soft drink is also not good for this season as its cooling properties are not good for us. So avoid soft drinks or frozen juices in this season.
Street food should be avoided in this season as it contains lots of chemicals and dust in it. Avoid the open and peeled fruits in this season.
Food should take in summer season:
In the summer season, the temperature is very high, there is scorching heat outside as well as inside. So we should take the food items that cool our body temperature. As I know some of us think that we can sit under the fan, cooler or A.
C but it’s not possible for anyone that they can sit for a long period in one place because we all have our daily work which we have to do and for that we go one place to another place even in case of urgent work we should go outside in afternoon also and it is the worst thing in the summer season. So to make your body ready for summer we should add these food items to our diet:
Water-rich food is most important in the summer season because throughout the summer season we all got sweat every time so in this process our body losses an excessive amount of water. To fulfil the need for water we should take water-rich food. Food According to Weather Condition.
Salad and green leafy vegetables contain a maximum quantity of water so these are highly recommended for summer.
Melons are best for summer as they detox our body and help to regulate our blood pressure. For high blood pressure, watermelon juice is best as it starts work immediately after drinking it.
Mint is a herb easily available with almost all vegetable vendors. Adding mint to your food could add many benefits. We can also make chutney and have it with our meal. It will cool our body and also give a fresh effect.
Food should avoid in summer season:
Spicy food is loved by Indians but it’s very dangerous in the summer season as they have body healing properties. If we consume, these can upset our digestive system.
Ginger, Red chilli, cumin, pepper, clove etc. these all have heating properties so consuming these in the summer season may give many diseases.
Fried and oily is not good in summer as these can increase our body temperature and may we face high blood pressure problem.
Non-veg. should be avoided in summer season as we know about living thing start spoiling after died and it gets spoil more quickly in summer season due to heat. So please avoid non-veg. dishes especially red meat.
Food should take in winter season:
As we all know most people like the winter season more. Yes, it is the best season for everything like for outing, party, playing etc. even we can eat our favourite dishes in this season it may be spicy or sweet even oily and fried dishes too. In this season there are more green veggies and different types of veggies. But we should care full about our health and for that, we should add these food items to our diet:
Vegetable soup is best in this season as you can add this to your diet on regular basis. You can take your favourite vegetable boil it adds your favourite spices or flavour and enjoy it anytime. It’s healthy and best to keep us warm in winter.
Dry fruits, nuts and seeds are good for health these help us to boost our immunity and help us to fight against weather conditions.
Healthy fats are important in this season as we can make nut butter, desi ghee etc. because our body wants the heat to digest the food and in winter due to less warmth, our system get problems so need fats to cure it.
Liquids are necessary for every season but it is not that we are taking tea or coffee in winter these things can’t fulfil the water requirement so warm water is the best option to hydrate ourselves in winter.
Food should avoid in winter season:
Chilled food items are worse in the winter season as we are caught by cold and cough. So we should avoid ice cream, golas , cold drinks etc.
Dairy products intake can affect us if we take the cold or raw form. Mix dairy products with some dishes like we make curry with curd so it doesn’t affect our health. In the same way, we can consume these.
More oily or fried can create a big problem as we know that in winter water intake is less and if we take more oily or fried food so our body becomes dry as oil suck our body water and we may face the problem of dehydration.
Food that best in all seasons:
We know that our body is related to Mother Nature as after death our body mix with nature and convert into the mud. So if we want a healthy life, we feed our body with natural food only. Have you ever thought that we are taking juices, namkeens, sweets etc. but these are not natural these all are processed food which can harm our body badly?
Look nature provides us coconuts, not sweets or namkeens means we not giving our body natural things so by the artificial or processed thing it will get damaged soon. So the foods that are good in all the season is grown by nature like fruit and vegetable. Never process the food, never bake it too much or don’t overcook it, so it will work positively for our body.
Food is fuel for living beings which gives us the energy to do work, to grow, to face harmful things and to heal up naturally against diseases. But food can become poison when we take it in the wrong way. So whenever sit for a meal just think of your life and be a healthy being so that we can enjoy our life.
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