Natural Source Of Energy For Human Body | Sources of Energy

Natural Source Of Energy For Human Body. hola, chicos! In today’s blog, we will talk about Sunlight. How you can harness power from the sun, to be your fittest healthiest self.
You will learn how to take sunlight in the right way at the right time, in the right quantity so it can be a working hospital for your body and completely cure your body. Herein I will also tell you about sunbathing, you will be told all the benefits of doing it and the medical history.
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Sun is natural source of energy
Sunlight is the second kind of food your body needs, it is the food that your cells need and without it, our organs cannot function properly. Yet most of our bodies are starving for sunlight. We have filled our homes with fancy things and we preferably spend 90% of our lives indoors. We are becoming the Indoor generation. Sunlight is replaced with artificial light.
Everything in nature is being replaced by gadgets. We wake up in a closed room shower in a closed bathroom then get into a closed elevator into a closed car and drive to work and spend all our day working in a closed room. From entertainment to sports to shopping we have caged ourselves in. Even if we go out we wear so much cream and clothing that no spec of sunlight touches the skin and unfortunately, God has not made our bodies that way. Natural Source Of Energy For Human Body.
It is our body’s biological need and because of its deficiency, many things are starting to go wrong. Sadness, stress, anxiety, depression all have become a common state of mind. There are many things that are getting a hold on us because of a deficiency of sunlight.
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Medical History
We have been using it for thousands of years, even our forefathers used to worship the Sun as a deity of happiness and health. In our Vedic Indian text, it is said that the sun can heal anything. The Gayatri mantra was sung as a prayer to the Sun God who is called Suryanarayan. Surya namaskar Surya Salutations were done every morning to benefit the body of exercise as well as the sun. Natural Source Of Energy For Human Body.
In Germany, Sunlight was used to treat war wounds. When soldiers fighting in wars got gunshot wounds instead of wrapping bandages, the military doctors exposed them to the sun for several hours a day. It was used as an antiseptic.
In Rome, they practised Solar Architecture. A true architect was looked like someone who also had the knowledge of health and designed buildings with the most sunlight.
In Greece, they used Heliotherapy meaning using sunlight as medicine all across Europe there were heliotherapy clinics where patients, particularly children, were put in sunbeds for much of the day and saw drastic results in curing all diseases including rickets burns ulcers and anaemia
In Italy, they made Sunlit hospital rooms. Patients who were put in sunlit rooms healed much faster than patients in rooms that received no Sunlight.
All across the world sunlight was used as a medicine. Something so common sense has become uncommon to us today, So Come Let’s be the generation who brings back these forgotten truths Let’s learn how you can make your body a piece of Marvel by everyday sun-charging. I am going to tell you one of the two powerful ways to sun charge your body that is SUNBATHING
It basically means that you go outside for about 30 minutes every day and expose your body to the sun. Look, bathing that we do with water every day is just one type of bathing. It only cleans your external body and Sunbathing is essential for cleaning your internal body.
Like when wheat or rice in our kitchen catches worms or smells bad we put it under the sun and it gets purified.
Reasons to sunbathe every Day
Sunlight is a natural disinfectant that detoxifies your body by removing the bad bacteria moulds fungus that you might not even know exist inside.
It is a powerful detoxifier When Sunlight falls on our skin, our skin feels a little warm, that is when sunlight is penetrating deep into your skin and reaching the blood passing through your arteries and so, your blood gets circulated. Blood that was previously hard and clogged up is put into motion. The toxins and impurities in your blood are also circulated and then finally excreted through sweat and urine. After Sunbathing most people urine’s turn yellow. That’s a sign of more toxins being released from the body and no disease in the world can survive in a body that is clean internally.
Sunlight is essential to maintain skin health There are thousands of pores in our skin and when these pores become closed because of dirt or any other matter, the waste can no longer exit the skin and it gives rise to many diseases. By giving them the light warmth of the sun, these pores are opened up and waste accumulated in these pores exits out through the skin. Water is contaminated, our food is contaminated and even the air is contaminated but it is the only source of energy that is 100% uncontaminated and always will be.
Sunscreens can be the cause of your cancer While Sunbathing remembers to express gratitude, say thank you to the sun for sending out its healing energies to you. Develop a relationship with the sun. To make the best use of your time, combine sunbathing with any other activity such as reading a book or listening to a lecture. Don’t worry, you won’t tan. It’s only the harsh afternoon sun that pigments our skin. Natural Source Of Energy For Human Body.
It is for everyone not just the sick. Children young old everybody can do it. Never use Sunscreen as it is one of the most toxic things you can apply to your body.
It is not the sun that gives us Cancer but your sunscreen might do that. To protect yourself from the strong afternoon sunlight use a hat or covers your head with a cloth. Use physical protection rather than chemicals.
Instead of running on the treadmills in the stuffy gym, breathing the dirty air expelled by other people, Go out and exercise in the natural surroundings.
Sunlight makes us feel happier and you will be able to concentrate more on your studies and work. The atmosphere in your home will instantly become more positive. There is a huge connection between sunlight and mental health. In countries like Denmark where the weather is extreme and sunsets at about three in the afternoon, people suffer through depression or get disabled and commit suicide. Scientists call it seasonal affective disorders in which they discovered that if the sunlight goes down the sadness goes up
Sunlight absorbs nutrients in your food and makes the digestive fire stronger
Without sunlight, your body cannot absorb nutrients like calcium which can result in the weakening of your bones and even your bone mass declines. By every day sunbathing your bones regain their strength.
Sunlight delivers healing to the joints If you have knee pain expose your whole body including your knees to the sun every day and your knee pain will go away. It delivers healing effects to all your joints
Sunlight dissolves mucus
Sunlight dissolves mucus sitting in your airways. You might even sneeze a couple of times by regular sunbathing you can permanently get rid of it. It also affects the secretion of insulin
What is the Proper Way to Sunbathe?
Simply get out and lie down in the Sun
Where to Sunbathe?
Any place, where sunlight can directly reach you. Balcony roof park beach
What is the Best time to sunbathe?
Morning or Evening is the best time because at this time the sun is not very strong. You need the light of the sun not the heat of the sun.
How long to sunbathe?
Approximately 30 minutes. First, expose your front body for 15 minutes and then your back body for 15 minutes.
As soon as you start sweating, stop bathing and come back inside. You must sunbathe every day. Make it a lifestyle and continue it throughout life.
What to wear?
It’s best to Sunbathe with no clothes but if you can’t find a private spot, wear white cotton clothes. Cotton readily absorbs the light of the sun.