Best and healthy substitutes for tea | Substitute of tea in the morning

Tea is an important drink of life as maximum people start their day with tea and coffee. So this drink must be the healthiest drink of the day. Thus, I brought a topic for you the ‘Best and healthy substitutes for tea’.

Friends, in a survey it has proven that the Japanese live the longest life in comparison to other countries’ citizens. And the only reason we found for the Japanese long life is the tea taken by them. Can you believe that tea can be healthy? Yes, it can be but the thing is which tea is healthy tea and can work as a protector for our healthy.

In this blog, you will know the best and healthy substitutes for tea for your good health.

In India, tea is a beverage used widely in the whole country. It is part of our day-to-day life. The survey shows that Indians take two to three cups of tea in a day and for a month they consume approximately 90 cups. Thus, if we change the harmful tea with healthy drinks then Indians may live the longest life. So today you will know the best and healthy substitutes for tea and you will learn how to prepare them.

Why do people take tea?

There are different reasons for taking tea according to time and people.

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Harms of wrong tea

The Over consuming of anything will be given side effects like:

Best and Healthy Substitutes for tea

Friend tea is beneficial in comparison to other addictions like smoking, chewing gums or candies, etc. but the overdose of anything can damage your body cells and cause dangerous diseases.

  1. White tea is known as the healthiest tea in the world. It is white in color. The quantity of caffeine is very less in white tea and it is easily available in the market and malls. It helps to lessen bad cholesterol and maintains blood improves the digestion and makes us more energetic without any side effect. It is a good source of antioxidants.
  2. Matcha tea is a type of green tea that is a very famous tea in Japan. It’s green in color but it comes in the powder form. You can drink it without sieving. Now it’s become famous in the whole world due to its health benefits. Matcha tea is becoming a famous beverage among celebrities and sports persons to maintain their health on a daily basis. In the beginning, take less quantity as it’s very strong. Take half a teaspoon of matcha tea for one cup.
  3. Barely tea (jau grains) is very famous in some rural areas. And even we can say that the herbal teas and barley tea were born in rural areas of some countries. I remember about my childhood, when I used to go my village to meet my grandparents, they mostly used some medicinal leaves or seeds to make the drinks, like we used to make Kadha at present time. So friend barley tea is one of the best substitutes for your regular tea. Japanese also used this tea from ancient times just like our ancestors. It improves our digestion and helps to glow our skin. Take one teaspoon of barley for one cup.
  4. Cinnamon tea is also the best substitute for your regular tea. Friend, I used cinnamon tea for a month and it has amazing benefits. It helps in weight loss, helps people with type 2 diabetes, and boosts immunity. Cinnamon tea is several additional benefits as, reduce skin aging, help in acne, and fight against bacteria and fungi.
  5. Coriander tea has cooling properties and can be the best beverage for summer. Coriander is rich in antioxidants. Coriander tea helps for heart health, brain health, improve digestion, and fight against infection. Coriander seeds tea can help in aches. Taking Coriander seeds tea in the morning will regulate your glucose level and help in weight loss.
  6. Chicory powder is the best option for people who are addict to caffeine. You can mix this powder in beverages to lessen the quantity of caffeine. It improves digestion and helps to control your dependence on caffeine. You will get the relaxation after taking chicory powder in your coffee. Even your mind and body will relax.
  7. Hibiscus tea is also the best substitute for your regular tea. This is the best beverage in summer as it contains cool agents and it will make body temperature cool in hot weather. It contains antioxidants which help to lower the blood pressure and help to maintain body weight.
  8. Chamomile tea is the best tea to boost immunity. It improves our sleep and reduces the risk of insomnia. It helps to glow skin and reduces stress. Evening time is the best time to take chamomile tea as it helps for a sound sleep. It treats common cold and helps in aches too. Taking chamomile tea will help to boost immunity and your body will ready to fight against every disease.

These are the best substitute for your regular tea and the best way if you leave your regular tea and use these substitutes forever.

The right way of making all teas

Whatever type of tea is it never recommended to boil it more and in high flame? The right way of making every tea is to boil water and milk if needed then off the flame and add tea or sweetener then leave it for 3 to 5 minutes and then sieve it and enjoy with your favorite snacks. Never boil any kind of tea. Never take tea alone on an empty stomach. If you have a habit of bed tea then take one or two biscuits or half chapatti with it so it will not create the acidity problem for you. The best way is to take tea without milk and sweetener then there will be more benefits for your health.


Tea is a type of addiction and leaves it on time otherwise your situation will worst after some time. Tea contains caffeine and some people are very sensitive to it but they don’t know about it. How can you know that you are more sensitive to caffeine? If you are taking 2 to 3 cups of tea in a day and you are facing the problems like poor sleep, headache, heartburn, restlessness, tired, and anxious, etc. it means you are very sensitive to caffeine and should not take even a single cup of tea on regular basis.

If you don’t find any of the above symptoms then you are no issue with caffeine but then too it is not that you can drink more tea. You may be sensitive to caffeine or not but caffeine makes you addicted to it slowly. So try to leave tea and take the best and healthy substitutes for tea. Less intake of tea is beneficial for maximum people but tea substitutes are beneficial for all.


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    Hibiscus tea
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    Green tea
    Chamomile tea
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    Golden milk
    Peppermint tea
    Hibiscus tea
    Lemon water
    Green tea
    Chamomile tea
    white tea

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    Matcha tea
    Golden milk
    Peppermint tea
    Hibiscus tea
    Lemon water
    Green tea
    Chamomile tea
    white tea

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