Hunger vs craving | Differentiating Between Hunger, Desire and Cravings

Overweight is a curse for everyone, as it brings lots of diseases with it. Weight management is very important and for that, you must know about Hunger vs Cravings. You will learn everything about hunger and craving and will be able to manage your weight. I will define hunger and cravings in easy language, thus you will get to know about real hunger.

You will also get to know about the hunger craving meaning, specific hunger theory, signs you are hungry, how to control hunger for weight loss, how to enjoy feeling hungry, etc. and after that, you will be able to cure you or your loved one’s overweight problem.

Definition of Hunger

A compelling desire for food when we feel weak in our bodies is real hunger. At this time whatever you will eat it maybe you are like or not, but you will feel the taste of food and it will be the tastiest dish for you. Real hunger is never a slave of taste, rather it’s a need of your body to recharge itself again for work or any activity.

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What are Signs of real hunger?

But these all signs are not hunger signs always. Sometimes it may be another kind of problem and only you can find out that it’s your hunger or something else. If you are physically fit then these are signs of hunger and you will feel fine after having a meal or some eatables. Sometimes people misunderstand these signs as a sign of hunger and after that, they face a problem.

Definition of cravings

A strong desire for some specific food or some specific taste is called cravings. You will see these types of cravings generally in a pregnant woman. Cravings in a pregnant woman are normal and it’s due to hormones or nutritional deficiencies. But if you are not pregnant and still feel cravings many times for food then be careful, because it may be starting signs of any disease. Like the chocolate craving is due to the deficiency of Magnesium, ice craving is due to iron deficiency, fries craving is due to Omega-3 deficiency, and sugar craving is due to strict diet or stress.

What are the signs of cravings?

People who have food addiction mostly face the problem of food cravings, especially for processed food. Signs of cravings are for those people who have a food addiction or lack one or more nutrients. We should never ignore the craving as it’s a sign of a problem in the body. Craving drives a man crazy for a specific food or taste and he doesn’t feel full until he eats that thing.

Difference between Hunger vs Craving

How to stop hunger

How to stop cravings


Nowadays, most people are facing the problem of being overweight or obese and the main reason for obesity are cravings. In comparison to previous times, we all are mostly dependent on machines for every work. Thus, we are not able to burst our calories. This means we are working less and eating more. And the extra food converts into bad fat which causes the problem of overweight.

Craving is a feeling, not a requirement. And to fulfil the craving, we eat unwanted food which doesn’t use by the body and is stored as bad fat in the body. Later it gives many health problems. So friends whenever you feel craving for anything then busy yourself with other activities and slowly you will be able to solve the problem of craving. I hope this will be the most useful blog for you. Thanks for supporting me.


  • What causes cravings?

    An imbalance of hormones is the main cause of cravings but there are several reasons like illness, depression, less social contact, lazy schedule, and stress.

  • What are the 3 types of cravings?

    Cravings related to our emotions
    Cravings related to our memories
    Cravings related to need especially when we are recovering from any illness

  • How to stop craving when not hungry?

    Drink plenty of Water
    Eat Protein-rich food
    Avoid Getting Starving
    Eat farms food more
    Eat your meals timely
    Take whole grains food items

  • What food causes food cravings?

    Food contains fatter, and sugar causes more food cravings.

  • How to stop cravings for junk food?

    Reduce stress level
    Drink plenty of Water
    Eat Protein-rich food
    Avoid Getting Starving
    Eat farms food more
    Eat your meals timely
    Take whole grains food items
    Get proper sleep

  • Which are the best Food that stops hunger?

    Farm food like fruits, vegetables, salad, etc. is the best Food that stops hunger.

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