How to know which skills you have | Know your Skills

How to know which skills you have. skill is the ability to do something well. Nobody is born with skills we have to develop them through experiences in life and work.

We often can find it quite puzzling to be able to analyse ourselves and to identify the things that we are good at. It is important to be able to understand what your skills are. Having a clearer and deeper view of your own unique skill set can help you to be in a much better position in your career.

Have you ever sat there and thought:

Ugh, I don’t like what I’m doing—but what would I be great at? What else I could do? There’s got to be something that’s a better match for me, but what?

Would you love to make a career change, but don’t know how to figure out where your strength lies or what your real skills are?”

One of the most difficult parts of life is deciding which career path to pursue and for that you need to figure out what you’re really great at. How to know which skills you have.

Well, I do have some tips that might help your muddled mind. Skills can be simple or more complex, such as taking amazing selfish to play a musical instrument. There are holes in the world that only your skills can fill. All you have to do is, just uncover them.

You probably know that there are two types of skills:

Hard skill is nothing but a Skill that is tangible like playing cricket whereas Soft skill is a skill which you can’t touch or see like being a great listener.

Following Tips Will Help You Uncover Your Skills;

Identify your Skills

It’s often easier to identify our hard skills than our soft skills. When you think of hard skills, you think of talents like knitting, singing, and maths. These things are the things that you are skilled at doing.

Are you good at acting? Crafting? Playing instrument? Now, look at the soft skills behind these hard skills.
For example, say you are really good at playing the guitar. Strictness is a soft skill behind the hard skill of playing the guitar, so as to be focused and the ability to listen.

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What do you love doing?

We’ve already established that one tends to love what they are good at. So let’s look at some things you already love to do:

If you love to sing, you’re probably good (or becoming good) at singing

If you’ve always loved playing cricket, you’re probably pretty good at it

If you’ve always loved debating with others, you are probably good at structuring arguments.

Take an Assessment

You can take an assessment that can help you identify your skills. The assessment can bring it all together. it will help you to discover your strengths and help you in making your career. How to know which skills you have.

When Were You Most in Your Element?

Think back about the times in your life when you felt the most comfortable when you were doing something that was fascinating to you and made you happy.

What were you doing? We are most content when we’re doing something that we’re skilled at, and that’s when we’re in our comfort zone.

What Comes Naturally to You?

This may come as a surprise to you, but something that comes naturally to you doesn’t mean it will come naturally to everybody.

For instance, some people are extroverts and good at making friends. It isn’t something they have to practice or try to improve; it’s just something that they have always been good at.

Whereas some people are totally opposite of that. They have fewer, closer friends. So take a moment and think: what is it that you can easily do but others can’t.

Look Back in Time

The answers that you are looking for are probably right in front of you. 

How to know which skills you have. Go through your old performance reviews, letters, feedback reports, and even report cards from school you might be surprised to see how many skills you have got. Our skills don’t go away – they only get stronger with practice – so don’t be afraid to look farther back as it will only help you to move further ahead.

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