A career in Data Analytics | Data Analyst: Career Path and Qualifications

The process of examining data sets to draw conclusions based on the information contained within them using various software or specialized systems is commonly defined as data analytics. In recent years, data analytics has grown in importance in commercial industries, allowing for more informed business decisions based on scientific data and research. The minimum eligibility criteria for a career in Data Analytics is Bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks in aggregate or equivalent preferably in Science or Computer Science from a recognized university.  

Required Skillset for a career in Data Analytics: 

Strong analytical and numerical skills, as well as a thorough understanding of computer software(s) such as Querying Language (SQL, Hive, Pig), scripting Language (Python, Matlab), Statistical Language (R, SAS, SPSS), and Excel, are required to be proficient in data analysis.  

Good interpretive and communication skills are required to be a successful data analyst, i.e., the ability to explain the process of data analysis and its outcome to a diverse audience (technical and non-technical). He or she must also be detail-oriented and have problem-solving capabilities. 

Some of the online data analytics courses to start a career in data analytics are given in the table below: 

Certificate Name Duration Fee 
PG Certification in Data Science 7 months Rs 3,736 per month 
Business Analytics Course by EduPristine 10 weekends Rs 25,000 onwards 
Data Analytics Master Certificate by SimpliLearn 1 year Rs 44,999 

The following topics are covered in a Data Analytics Course:  

Retail Analytics Customer Analytics Supply Chain Analytics 
Marketing Analytics Pricing Analytics Social Network Analysis 
Simulation Machine Learning Optimization 
Data Visualization Statistical Analysis Forecasting Analytics 
Business Fundamentals Text Analytics Data Collection 
Data Structures and Algorithms Probability and Statistics Relational Database Management Systems 

Some of the software tools taught in the Data Analytics course are given below: 

Stata NodeXL- MeXL 
Python XLMiner 
Hadoop (AWS) Tableau 
MySQL Simio 

Some of the colleges offering courses in Data Analytics are as follows: 

Some of the top companies where we can work after doing a course in data analytics are as follows: 

Some of the top Data Analytics job profiles are as follows: 

1. Data Analyst:

A data analyst gathers and stores information about sales figures, market research, logistics, linguistics, and other behaviors. 

Requirements for a Data Analyst: 

Responsibilities of a Data Analyst:  

2. Healthcare Data Analyst:

Healthcare data analysts manage and analyze hospital data. They are in charge of gathering and organizing healthcare data, analyzing data to help provide optimal healthcare management, and communicating their findings to management. 

Requirements for a Healthcare Data Analyst: 

Responsibilities of a Healthcare Data Analyst:  

3. Financial Analyst:

Financial analysts investigate the performance of investments such as stocks, bonds, commodities, and others in order to advise businesses and individuals making investment decisions. 

Financial Analyst Qualifications: 

Responsibilities of a Financial Analyst:  

4. Systems Analyst:

Systems analysts evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization’s information technology systems and devise plans to address any shortcomings.  

System Analyst Qualifications: 

Responsibilities of a Systems Analyst: 

The table given below summarizes the aforementioned job profiles as well as their annual salaries in India:  

Job Profile Average Salary Per Annum 
Data Analyst ₹6,00,000 
Healthcare Data Analyst ₹7,65,536 
Financial Analyst ₹5,00,000   
Systems Analyst ₹9,00,000   
Note: Please keep in mind that the salaries given above in a tabular form may differ depending on where you reside in India.  

The table given below summarizes the above job profiles and their annual salaries per annum in the other four countries:  

Country Data Analyst average annual salary Healthcare Data Analyst average annual salary Financial Analyst average annual salary Systems Analyst average annual salary 
United Kingdom £28236 £29661 £34017 £37,326 
United States $69,517 $69767 $73,725 $77,245 
Canada $60,273 $62,595 $67,631 $69,743 
Switzerland CHF 96,121  CHF 121,000  CHF 160,000  CHF 122,000 
Note: The salaries listed above in the table may vary slightly depending on the location in their respective countries.  


In the above articles, we have learned in detail about a career in data analytics. We have also learned about top data analytics job profiles and their average salaries per annum in India and the other four countries. The data analytics industry in India is expected to play a critical role in the industry’s future, as well as create significant job opportunities and improve lifestyles. This industry will be disruptive in the future, resulting in a paradigm shift.  

FAQs regarding a career in Data Analytics: 

  • Are Data Analytics and Data Science courses the same? What exactly is the distinction between Data Analytics and Data Science? 

    They absolutely are not. Data science teaches you how to forecast future risks and opportunities using historical data. Data analytics courses, on the other hand, teach you to draw conclusions based on the data provided.  

  • What are the prerequisites for Data Analytics courses? 

    It depends on the level of degree you choose. A Class 12 certificate is the minimum requirement for any data analytics course. 

  • What is the significance of Data Analytics courses?  

    In many ways, data analytics is critical for a business. Data Analytics courses are a win-win situation for business optimization, research-based decision-making, and risk management. 

  • What Data Analytics tools should you be familiar with while taking data analytics courses? 

    Tableau, Microsoft Excel, SQL, Python, R, and other data analytics tools are available. 

  • What are the best courses in data analytics?  

    The top data analytics courses are Coursera’s Data Science Specialization, Meti’s Introduction to Data Science, Coursera’s Applied Data Science with Python Specialization, and edX’s Data Science MicroMasters. 

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